New collegae

Two new product owners at PAQT

Reading time 2 min

We're happy to welcome another two new faces at PAQT: Pim and Mike, who both recently started their jobs as product owners. In their roles, they will ensure everything runs smoothly within Team Spirit and Team Core.

Meet Pim

Pim will make sure everything runs smoothly within Team Spirit. Having majored in business & IT, Pim worked as a business analyst at Capgemini and as a PO at a startup for shared cars, scooters, and bicycles, among other things. And from now on, he is a PO at PAQT! 

Pim is greatly fascinated by the connection between technology and business. Programming from morning till afternoon would never suit him, but he doesn’t like the idea of providing advice and performing analyses all day long, either. He wants to strike the right balance between having an in-depth understanding of what technology can do and getting a grasp of the business to understand how the product you develop contributes to solving the client’s problems. It’s the perfect approach for a PO — and it makes him a perfect fit for PAQT. 

Pim likes to spend his spare time on the water. If he spots sails, he’ll jump at the opportunity to sail away. And as soon as water turns to ice, he puts on his skates! Whenever he spends time on the water, he might suddenly receive a push notification on his phone telling him that the plants at home need water. From lighting to ventilation: he has automated his entire house by equipping it with the latest gadgets. 

At PAQT, Pim’s inner IT person, business insights, and open personality are great assets. So, we’re thrilled to have him bring joy and expertise to Team Spirit! 

Welcome, Pim. 

Meet Mike 

Product owner Mike likes to take his job title literally: he says he takes full ownership of the product that’s being developed and will do everything he can to get the most out of the solution. Of course, such ambitions make us and our clients very happy.  

Mike likes to bridge the gap between his clients’ demands and technical solutions. As far as he’s concerned, developing software doesn’t have to be the slightest bit complicated for a client — as long as a team shares its approach in a transparent, clear manner. Of course, we fully endorse this vision at PAQT. As for clients who still consider IT and software development to be complex, Mike can’t wait to prove the opposite to them.

Mike’s urge to perform extends beyond his job, as he loves to spend his spare time on sports. He plays soccer and golf, likes to ski and surf, and enjoys a good run. That drive is clearly reflected in his role in Team Core. We’re looking forward to rolling up our sleeves together! 

Welcome, Mike. 

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