New feature in a simple tool vs. comprehensive app: what's the difference?
In the past few years, I've developed a lot of applications. At times, I've come across huge applications that were built by just one developer. I've also come across applications that were developed by an entire team but are much smaller. How is that possible? Is this single developer really that brilliant and are those other people that slow? Or is there something else to it?

The thing is, it’s not that difficult to explain the reason behind this. But in IT, it’s just not that obvious. Suppose you want to have a shed built. You hire someone who’s good at laying bricks. They level the floor, erect a number of walls, build a roof, and board up the interior. It’s inexpensive and it looks great — until, at some point, the shed starts to slope and isn’t that sturdy, and you discover it might actually be dangerous. But who cares? It’s a small and quite inconsequential shed, so it’s not that bad.
Now, let’s apply the same idea to a two-story school building. Can you adopt the same approach? Well, you can, but the stakes are pretty high. You’re dealing with significant risks, there’s a wealth of regulations, and anyone will understand a building like this should be built in a much more structured and safe way.
It’s really the same with software development, which is mainly about how your application will function. Will it be used often? Are the stakes high? Is it a quite large application? In that case, quality is crucial. It’s less essential if the stakes aren’t high and you mainly want to test it.
Shed versus school building
In this article, we want to provide more insight into the approach for these two product types. Generally speaking, when you build your own simple tool for internal use, the phases of the development process are different than when you create a complex application with hundreds of users.
So, in this article, we assume the following: ‘simple tool = shed’ and ‘comprehensive application = school building.’

The phases in software development
We go through the following phases, which are completed differently for each type of application:
- Devising: you have an idea that needs to be elaborated.
- Development: the idea is developed into a feature.
- Quality assurance: the code is tested by co-workers, additional code is written to ensure scalability, and the grammar of the code is aligned with the rest of the application.
- Functional testing: you test whether the developed feature works as originally intended.
- Deployment: the feature goes live and is available for users in the application.
- Maintenance: fix bugs, update dependencies with third parties (such as APIs), etc.
- Documentation and communication: you document what’s been developed, communicate with co-workers, and train them to use the software.
How it works with a simple tool
With startups or relatively simple tools, you often see that someone is building an application on their own. Someone has a good idea, so a developer gets to work and builds it relatively fast.
Once the tool is used, bugs occur, which are fixed in a reactive way. There is little risk involved. The application only has a few users — or, it’s just used internally.
In this type of situation, the development process might take up 75% of the time commitment. The other 25% is spent on fixing bugs, fast deployment, and any related communications.
There’s nothing wrong with this. Particularly those who are in the pilot phase of their company want to launch features quickly, experiment, and learn. The same goes for an internal tool you’ve built — for example, for time registration. There are no external customers, so experimenting is relatively risk-free. You don’t have to perform quality assurance, such as code reviews and unit testing. If there are bugs, you just fix them, and it won’t cause much trouble.
How it works when you build a more comprehensive application
However, if your company has evolved and you’ve built a more mature product, you’ll have to go about it differently. An example includes a large-scale application that is connected to external services. Suppose you want to add QR code scanning to start a specific action. It’s a relatively simple feature, but it does have several dependencies. You will need to test the application thoroughly to avoid that users experience any disadvantages or, even worse, are no longer able to perform their tasks.

Development still starts with devising a feature. Rather than the short term (devising and launching a new feature), you now consider the future: refinement. For example, does the new feature require customization, or can you use existing building blocks? Preferably, you keep the amount of customization to a minimum. This simplifies maintenance later on. Plus, it will be easier for you to keep connecting new modules.
Obviously, the extent to which you do this also depends on the complexity of a feature or module. Complex ideas require thorough research: what’s the purpose of the feature, what should it look like, and what dependencies does it have? If it’s a particular button with an action, who can click it — anyone or only those with specific rights? Does this mean aspects such as security and authorization are relevant, too? How do we substantiate that users will appreciate this new feature?
Once everything is clear and specified, the developers start building the feature.
Whereas the development of a simple tool might take up 75% of the total time commitment, the development of a complex tool is a relatively smaller part of the overall process that could even just take up 40%. What else needs to be done?

Quality assurance and functional testing
After a first version has been built, it needs to be tested extensively. This requires a test environment. But functional tests are also carried out while co-workers are watching. Does the functionality perform as expected? If not, you need to spend more time on development. Another example is unit testing: a method of testing software modules or pieces of source code (units) separately. You develop tests per unit and you complete several test cases.
As you need to detect and fix any bugs, this takes a lot of time — especially when it involves complex functionalities with many dependencies. After all, a larger company has various quality standards you should adhere to. Processes have been set up in accordance with ISO standards. And don’t forget vulnerability scans that automatically check whether an application is working properly. Rather than just testing with dummy data, you want to perform thorough and extensive tests using realistic data.
If everything works properly in the test environment, the feature moves on to production — or, deployment. This isn’t a small task, either, since someone will have to supervise and monitor it. Will the go-live of the feature go smoothly? With a small tool, you basically just press a button and it’s live. A complex tool with many users involves various risks you need to cover. What you don’t want is the go-live to shut down their application, which will prevent them from doing their jobs.

Sustainable development
If your company is growing and wants to adopt a more serious, long-term perspective when it comes to product development, you will need to embrace sustainable development. What does this entail?
If you build continuously and solely focus on that, you will ultimately exhaust the future: you’ll create a technical debt. You will reach a point of no return. This ‘technical debt’ encompasses all the work that is created at a later point in time: ‘build now, fix later.’ This situation occurs when you’re opting for solutions that might be easy to implement in the short term but are difficult to maintain in the long run. Here’s an example: scalable implementations of your development ideas. It takes time to build something scalable.
Other elements of sustainable development include:
- Maintenance: After everything has gone live, there may be maintenance costs. If the feature is in a critical, complex spot in the software, you may need to spend more time fixing bugs. If there are dependencies on APIs (and therefore third parties), you’ll need to keep them up to date.
- Documentation: in addition to documentation about the development process, you might want to consider email communications with users, manuals, onboarding content, release notes, and other forms of communication or explanatory documentation.
- Training costs: For certain software features, it might also be necessary to coach and train other teams.
- Unforeseen costs: You will always encounter surprises. If a new feature requires a lot of memory and storage, you need to support that by doing the necessary prep work with regards to the infrastructure of your application.

Beyond building the feature
Taken together, all these elements obviously take a lot of time and energy, so the entire endeavor goes way beyond building the feature. Ultimately, development only takes 40% of the time commitment. You’ll spend the rest on prep work, follow-ups, training, and documentation. These might not be the first things that come to mind, but they’re essential to your success.
Need advice about developing your software product? Be sure to get in touch. I’m happy to brainstorm your next step with you.

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