Native apps

Do you run a B2B company? Make the difference with your own native app now!

Reading time 4 min

By Maurits Dijkgraaf

Do you get in touch with prospects and customers through your website first? And do you subsequently send them an email or call them to schedule an appointment? Get in touch and do business right away instead. How? Through your own native app. B2C companies have fully embraced the concept and already work with it extensively. But a native app offers new opportunities for B2B companies, too — especially now that it’s increasingly difficult to collect information through your website.

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A website used to be the marketer’s data gold mine, but that is slowly changing. The ability to decline cookies results in less information about customer and prospect behavior. That information is crucial if you want to track and understand customers and make them a suitable offer.  To measure is to know, after all.

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Cookie ban: likely a matter of time

The use of cookies is subject to more and more restrictions, and it’s not unlikely that the placing of (privacy-sensitive) cookies will be banned altogether in the long run. As a result, a website loses part of its value for an organization — no more data for marketers, and no more customized offers for customers.

Fortunately, there’s a smart alternative: the native app, which is the perfect next step for those who have a website. You’ll get access to a wealth of information so you can truly provide your customer with customized service — without having to deal with the hassle of tracking pixels and third party cookies (and annoying cookie notifications). That’s how you can turn visitors into users — and users into loyal customers!

B2B opportunities

No wonder nearly all major consumer-oriented companies have a native app (in addition to a website). After all, a native app is the perfect tool for one-on-one contact, and it allows you to make a personalized offer — at the exact right time and, if you want, even at the exact right location.

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Native apps

The use of native apps among B2B companies is few and far between. So, these apps are a major opportunity to distinguish yourself. Why would you direct prospects to your website, have them call you to schedule an appointment, and then do business? You can go about it in a better, faster, and more direct way.

Independently organizing things as much as possible

You can easily integrate an app with underlying systems and software applications.

And it allows you to create a user experience that perfectly suits your customer.

Use a native app so the prospect can independently complete the onboarding process and subsequently handle a variety of actions, demands, and choices — whenever and wherever they prefer. ‘Bring the back office to the front!’ Want to provide the right information at the right times, simplify the process of ordering a service (among other things), or make it easy to ask questions? It’s all possible.

It’s convenient for customers, and companies benefit from a huge efficiency boost. And the longer you collaborate with your customers through an app, the richer your database will be, and the smarter your services will become. So, it’s a smart decision for business-to-business companies to quickly start reaping the benefits of the unique possibilities and opportunities of a native app.

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Maurits Dijkgraaf