Meet Paulo
PAQT welcomes a new face! Paulo, who is of Portuguese origin, has lived in the Netherlands for several years now and retrained from an architect to an IT developer in Amsterdam. Before joining PAQT, he worked as a software developer for over five years.

As a developer in Team Force, he brings the necessary creativity. For besides majoring in architecture, Paulo was a dance teacher in Lisbon for many years! His creative mind helps him think outside the box whenever questions come up — which results in surprising solutions for the team and our clients.
What appealed to Paulo about PAQT is the structure of the Rise method. He looks forward to realizing quality software with his co-workers and our clients. For Paulo says he gets truly excited if he can be productive and collaborate on developing innovative solutions.
We’re happy that Paulo has joined our team. And we look forward to the dance moves he’ll teach us at PAQT’s next drinks gathering!
Welcome, Paulo!