Digital transformation

Sempergreen starts digital transformation

Reading time 3 min

Global market leader Sempergreen has cultivated, produced, and installed green roofs for more than 25 years. The organization is growing rapidly, causing the number of requests and complexity to increase. Time for a digital transformation.

Sustainable, green roofs: digital transformation 

More and more organizations and private individuals recognize the benefits of a green, sustainable roof. It is great in densely populated and urban areas as it adds more greenery to our environment, it serves as a water buffer, it supports temperature control, sound insulation, and air purification, and it promotes biodiversity. 

Sempergreen processes a large number of orders every year and also takes on the cultivation of green roofs. The process requires accurate registration. In practice, however, Sempergreen noticed that a lot of information had to be added manually, which was error-prone and hindered further growth.  Time for a new way of working — a fully digitized one. As Sempergreen expects a peak period in the spring, it has joined forces with PAQT to realize this digital transformation in the short term. 

Nursery ERP system 

Sempergreen collaborates with numerous partners, suppliers, and growers across Europe. It takes about six months to grow a green roof, and not every location or nursery is at the same stage. Strong growth presented a challenge: the then-current ERP system fell short of the mark. To get all information in the right place, it was necessary to create an export and hand over or forward the information. If a supplier or co-worker added some notes, these had to be entered into the system at the office. In practice, all this boiled down to a lot of manual tasks and a high risk of errors. 

Our motto is, ‘If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.’ Because of our company's strong growth and the need to improve efficiency, we had to find an efficient solution to a complex process.
Lenhard van Ballegooijen Director Sempergreen Nurseries

Digitalization of the order process 

Immediately after performing a comprehensive GAP analysis, the parties started working on the solution. Given the Sempergreen’s upcoming peak season, the entire process must be digitalized in the short term. PAQT is definitely up for the challenge. 

sempergreen logo

About Sempergreen

Headquartered in the Netherlands, Sempergreen is the world’s largest developer and supplier of innovative, high-quality solutions for green roofs, green living walls, and direct-green ground covers. Sempergreen’s mission is to create a green, livable world for our generation and the ones that come after us. Its green solutions contribute to combating the effects of climate change and environmental pollution. To keep its ecological footprint as small as possible, Sempergreen operates from local nurseries established in various locations in Europe, North and South America, and Asia. Sempergreen’s driven, professional team, which has more than 200 employees, is constantly working on the quality of its sustainable products. Together with its customers, Sempergreen works on making the world a little greener every day. 

Download whitepaper: GAP-analyse digitalisering

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Maurits Dijkgraaf
PAQT Maurits

Think it's time for your digital transformation?

Your organization is doing well, and you still see plenty of opportunities. But you’ve also noticed it’s getting more difficult to scale up. There’s a web of systems that don’t work well together. Lots of tasks are performed manually, and the number of errors are increasing. 

To continue to grow, you need to embark on a digital transformation — which starts with a thorough GAP analysis. How does that work? Get in touch to learn more 

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