In collaboration with the province of Utrecht, PAQT has developed a new platform that has optimized the process for both granting access and coordinating work on and around the streetcar tracks in Utrecht.

Managing the streetcar network in the province of Utrecht is a dynamic process. Safety comes first, which is why only professionals who meet all safety conditions are allowed to work on and around the track. To prevent conflicts relating to these activities, which may result in delays or outages, it’s important for network users and employees that work is properly coordinated.

wesley van poppelen
"The project involved quite the intricacies, but PAQT quickly mastered them. As early as in the first demos, PAQT demonstrated its ability to thoroughly understand and optimize the process. As a result, the platform was developed in a smooth, transparent manner."
Wesley van Poppelen Safety and health coordinator and safety advisor, Trambedrijf Beheer & Onderhoud (streetcar company — management & maintenance) of the province of Utrecht

Online accreditation process

Every week dozens of requests come in, ranging from a wrecked bench to larger maintenance. To gain access to the track and the area around it, individuals require a proof of access, which they can obtain by taking an online exam. Maintenance companies specify which employees should take the exam, and if these employees pass, they receive a digital proof of access. This digital proof is personal, can’t be shared, and ensures that employees get access when arriving on location, so they can carry out their activities.

Coordination of work

In addition to the online accreditation for employees, the maintenance companies also specify the nature of the activities, after which a procedure is initiated to check how the activities relate to other activities. Thanks to the new platform, the process of gaining access has been reduced from several weeks to days, and the province can plan better and further ahead.

As a result of using the new system, almost 90% of all processes are handled digitally.

More than just an application

Staff and public safety, services for citizens, and an extremely high degree of application security were brought together in this application. Examples include 13 roles with 160 permissions distributed over a PWA, a public site with Laravel CMS, a section where we conduct exams, and the issuing of certificates. In addition, there is a separate section for permits and toggle commands: a complete workflow tool in which workflows can be started independently and dependent on each other, in which 10 out of 13 roles work with each other in real time to each complete their task in 1 of those 4 workflows (or, sometimes, all 4 of them) and report on it. Moreover, there are many PDF exports and a PowerBI integration for BI analysis.

The facts at a glance


  • 13 rolls with 160 permissions
  • A public website (with Laravel as its custom CMS)
  • A secured section for exams and certificates
  • A complete workflow tool with workflows and reports
  • Extremely fast and user-friendly software
  • Extensive audit logging
  • Integrated with PowerBI for BI analysis

The application

  • Maintenance request processing on a large scale
  • Process driven
  • Audit logging

The technology

Security & privacy

  • Fully separated client data
  • MySQL server with Enterprise Encryption
  • Principle of least privilege

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06 43 09 10 30

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Talk soon!

Maurits Dijkgraaf