leslab lesmethodes

LesLab, a renowned and multiple award-winning publisher of career development teaching methods, proves that digitization offers opportunities to do things differently and better. It collaborates with PAQT on digitization — particularly on enriching teaching materials for secondary education with the Proeftuin application. Briefly put, digitization improves teaching methods.

PAQT leslab stijn van oers
Digitizing our materials allows us to organize education in a completely different way. We can make it better, smarter, easier, and more fun. The lessons increase interactivity between the teacher and the student — even at a safe distance!
Stijn van Oers Head of marketing
Leslab visual 1

About LesLab

LesLab develops teaching materials young people can use to prepare for their future — the so-called career development and guidance methods.

These creative teaching methods have been developed in collaboration with teachers and students. They focus on self-insight, 21st-century skills, and the discovery of talents and possibilities. LesLab was founded and is led by teachers with extensive teaching experience. The company continuously innovates and has therefore been awarded the NOT Innovatie Award (NOT innovation award) twice.

Digital first

According to the motto ‘Digital first,’ mobile devices are central. So with Proeftuin, career development and guidance education is no longer location bound. But more importantly, digitization offered the opportunity to radically renew the traditional ‘pen and paper’ teaching method.

Proeftuin’s interactive methods consist of different themes with three lessons as well as a test and final assignment. After the teacher has reviewed the final assignment, a student can move on to the next theme. This has been visualized through a route on a map. Students use this throughout their school days to build a portfolio: the career file.

Laptop leslab

Insights in your progress

The students progress is visualised on a map

Different themes with 3 lessons

MVP for quick feedback

The software has been designed in such a way that teachers and counselors can optimally support their teaching programs. Every teacher is different, as is each class. That is why three different types of presentations are offered. Moreover, teachers keep a close eye on everything because all data (learning materials, assignments, answers) now come together in one place.

Proeftuin is a Minimum Viable Product that aims to support schools with this form of distance education as soon as possible. In this case, solid security was paramount, since personal information is involved. Based on user feedback, the software will be improved and expanded in the future —  for example, there will be even more interaction between the teacher and the student.

Leslab mobile
Leslab Stijn van Oers

Optimal collaboration

Stijn van Oers, head of marketing at LesLab, says, “PAQT is very strong process wise — when it comes to specifying what we’re going to do from A to Z. It takes plenty of time to do exploratory work; to unearth the demand — only to subsequently make real progress. The collaboration was very smooth and easy to combine with our other activities because PAQT delivers weekly and looks ahead.

“Furthermore, Proeftuin looks really great. Functionality and design reinforce each other. Don’t forget that young people are used to doing a lot of things online. Therefore, we found it very important to gear the application to their experiences of the world. This also gives us an edge on the rest of the market.”

Innovative solution

  • Login through toegang.org
  • Symfony platform API
  • Dynamic content

The application

  • Protected permissions and roles
  • Vue.js
  • XML link available

Interesting facts

  • Insight into student progress
  • Suitable for both digital and classroom teaching
  • GDPR proof

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Maurits Dijkgraaf